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The Vision for OpenCUAS

A Response to the current trends in higher Education.

  • Higher education is constantly changing and adapting throughout the world, making international colleges and seminaries vitally important.
  • Students have expanded access to computer technology for education around the globe
  • There is an increasing need to adopt new technologies in order to reach students through distance, remote and cooperative education. Institutions need the ability to be flexible.

Three Problems with the Current Options

Predatory Pricing: Because of the difficulty of moving from one system to another, a vendor may take advantage of its customers with unreasonable ongoing maintenance costs.

Limited Functionality: Commercial products that are strong in one area are usually weak in another, thus customers are always missing important functionality. This forces academic institutions to purchase multiple products from multiple vendors which can cause significant integration problems.

Limited Customization: Customers have limited or no ability to modify systems to conform to their local data and work flow requirements. Additionally, commercial software is not designed to fully support the needs of academic institutions operating across large areas or in multiple countries. 

The OpenCUAS Solution

OpenCUAS is built on a sophisticated system that allows for customization that empower institutions.

  • to handle worldwide cooperative education in the 21st century
  • to offer quality education to the most remote students
  • to create processes tailored to their particular needs

OpenCUAS is distributed as Community Open Source with a commercial backing freeing institutions

  • from the high cost of limited commercial systems
  • from bondage to any particular vendor
  • from poor integration of data across the academic institution

The open source foundation of OpenCUAS is offered with the system enabling institutions with IT departments

  • to continually enhance and expand the system themselves,
  • to acquire product enhancements from anyone within Community Open Source,
  • to participate in the community of users and consultants who recognize the benefits and future potential inherent in this open source community.



The QuinSoft Corporation is the commercial backer of OpenCUAS a fully integrated college, university, and seminary administrative solution.